Homework Tips & Grading
Homework Tips
Tip #1 - Do your homework in the same place every time. Make sure it's a quiet place with the TV off.
Tip #2 - Eat a meal or light snack before doing your homework. Here are some examples of great pre-homework snacks: popcorn, peanut butter sandwich, granola bar, carrots and celery, fruit, or yogurt.  
Tip #3 - Do the hardest assignment first.
Tip #4 - Find a homework helper, if you need one. This can be a good friend or classmate you can call or a parent.
Tip #5 - Ask your teacher for help when you need it during class.
Tip #6 - Ask your family to respect your homework time.
Tip #7 - Take little breaks during your homework time. Stand up and stretch, get a drink of water or an energizing snack, or do ten jumping jacks.


95-100% A
90-92% A-
88-89% B+
83-87% B
75-82%  B-
68-74% C+
60-67% C
50-59% C-
43-49% D+
33-42% D
25-32% D-
Below 24% F