school hours

School Hours


Office Hours




Haller Middle School is located in Arlington, Washington. Haller offers comfortable facilities, technology that facilitates student engagement, and a great faculty of ambitious teachers ready to give Haller students the best middle school experience. We believe in the success of all students and strive to serve every student, every hour, every day.



2024-25 Welcome to Haller Middle School
Student/Parent Presentation

2024-25 School Supplies

Please click here to see Haller's supply list.

Contract Link

PE Uniforms
Link for PE uniforms:

ASB Cards
Online Payments


Athletic Clearance - FinalForms: new online platform here
FinalForms saves data from season to season and year to year - information will only have to be entered once and is updated on an as needed basis. FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible for each student - timesaver!

***IMPORTANT: Even if prior athletic clearance information was provided via Skyward, it MUST be entered through the new FinalForms platform.

Please consider the following before sending your student to school:

Too Sick for School

School Email
Here are some video tutorials about student email:

Accessing School Email
Checking and Organizing Email
Sending Email

Safe Visitor
We use Safe Visitor as our check-in process. Similar to all other schools in Arlington, we must scan your ID and print you a visitor pass to wear at the main office if you wish to enter the instructional area.  If you are on campus to pick up your student, please visit the main office so we can ensure custodial permissions exist prior to the student leaving campus.  To enter Haller Middle School, visitors and late entry students will have to press the button at the main entrance and speak to a staff member prior to being "buzzed in."  Late students must check in at the tardy kiosk in the main office prior to going to class.  Thank you for stopping into the main office with every visit, regardless of your purpose - we're always glad to see you and check you in!

We fully understand these changes may not be the most convenient for every visit you make, but the additional security it affords is crucial for helping us provide the safest campus possible for your student each day.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with our campus security procedures.

If you plan on chaperoning a field trip, a dance, a Hootenanny, being a classroom volunteer, or being on campus for any extended time period, you will need to complete a background check every school year.  The background check can be done here.

Haller creates a safe and caring environment for students
The teachers and staff at Haller Middle School want to make sure our school is a safe and caring place for your child. As stated in the school board policies and procedures and in our family handbook, harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated in our school. Our teachers and staff go through training at the beginning of the year to recognize the signs of harassment, intimidation and bullying and report such behavior accordingly.

If a student feels harassed or threatened in some way, they can make a complaint at the school. Informal reports may also be made to any staff member. Such complaints will be appropriately investigated and consistently handled. Students may also submit a report using the SafeSchools Alert incident reporting system that’s available on the front page of our school’s website.

Your child’s safety and wellbeing is a priority for us. We want them to thrive in a positive environment that promotes learning. Please call our main office if you have any questions.

If you need to report an absence, please call the attendance line at (360) 618-6405.
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