Athletic Office: 360-618-6400
Athletics is a wonderful way for students to get involved with something after school. The school offers several different sports throughout the year.

To be eligible for participation, you must:
- Be a 7th or 8th grade student (6th grade can participate in wrestling)
- Complete a sports physical. Physicals are good for two years. The form can be found Here.
- Complete the athletic participation packet through Final Forms.
- Purchase an ASB card ($15)
- Pay Athletic Fee of $50 per sport (3 out of 4 sport max fee)
- Meet the academic standards listed below
Academic Standards
- Students must be passing every class
- Grade checks will be done every week
- Any student who does not meet the minimum academic standard will be placed on academic probation during which time she/he may practice but cannot participate in games, meets, or matches.
- After one week, if the student is passing all classes, she/he will be off probation. If all grades are not above passing, the student will continue on academic probation until the next two-week check. For athletes on probation, coaches will have the option of requiring study hall.
- If a varsity player is on academic probation, the coach will have the option of exchanging that player for a JV player.
Athletic Registration
All Athletics registrations can be done through Final Forms. Please see the Athletics tabs for more information about each sport at Haller.
FALL (September-October) = Cross Country
WINTER A (November-December) = Girls' Volleyball & Boys' Basketball
WINTER B (January-February) = Girls' Basketball & Wrestling
SPRING (March-May) = Track & Field