7th Grade Communication Skills

We will use Six Trait Writing and the Jane Schaffer method of writing, with a large focus on use of layered elaboration, to compose persuasive, expository/informational, and argument essays.  You will also have the opportunity to express original ideas through letter, poetry, journal, narrative, and descriptive writing.  You will practice becoming more proficient on the computer for publishing your written work. 


In addition, grammar skills will be practiced to help you develop more fluent sentences and paragraphs. “Mountain Language Grammar” provides regular instruction and review of capitalization, punctuation, grammar and sentence combining. You will keep daily work in your in-class writing folders, provided by Ms. Macneill.  Open note grammar concept quizzes will occur on every fifth practice session in class.  Most importantly, we will use student writing as a springboard from which to build successful use of these skills.


To begin the year, you will receive reading and writing essential vocabulary study packets and will take “practice quizzes” weekly to reinforce the learning of these critical content-based words. Summative tests will be given quarterly. As the year progresses, we will incorporate spelling and vocabulary word lessons to be distributed every other Monday.  We will have class assignments, activities, and a writing homework assignment using and practicing those words throughout that week and the Monday through Wednesday of the following week.  Spelling and vocabulary tests will be given the second Friday after first receiving words.